AROS Mini MBA (in English)

Developed in close co-operation with Denmark’s leading expert on management, Steen Hildebrandt.

Aros Mini MBA is probably Denmark’s most ambitious Mini MBA, developed in close co-operation with Denmark’s leading expert on management, Steen Hildebrandt. You get introduced to the essential MBA subjects and the ongoing ideas of management today. In addition to this, we grant you a membership to the Aros Executive Club with access to select lectures, masterclasses and networking events after the courses. With the option to buy in an ECTS granting exam.



The 6 Best Reasons to Chose the Aros Mini MBA!

  • You get an extremely ambitious Mini MBA developed in close co-operation with Denmark’s leading expert on management, Steen Hildebrandt
  • You get an education in management over six months, consisting of intense course days, e-learning, exercises, and a final exam
  • The management education introduces you to the foundational MBA subjects but also provides you with the management tools of tomorrow
  • Your syllabus consists entirely of literature from acclaimed writers and professionals.
  • You will experience a professional Mini MBA focused on your personal development as a leader.
  • You become a member of the select Aros Executive Club.


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Varighed 6 days over a period of 6 months
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Designed by Professor Steen Hildebrandt

Professor Steen Hildebrandt is perhaps the biggest name in the Danish field of management. It is no coincidence that we have asked him to design the Aros Mini MBA.

Hildebrandt has built the foundation, selected the most important topics, and handpicked some of the country’s most competent instructors. Together, we have designed an ambitious education that not only gives you theoretical and practical knowledge on management, but also secures your personal development as a manager. And with the Aros Mini MBA you get the opportunity to meet Steen Hildebrandt when he opens the first day of courses with a lecture.

What is a Mini MBA?

A Mini MBA is your opportunity to broaden your perspective as a leader and manager through an introduction to the classical MBA-disciplines.

We have teamed up with one of the leading experts in management, Professor Steen Hildebrandt. He knows better than anyone, what you should rightly demand from an MBA. He has made sure that the core principles of the traditional MBA have been incorporated into our Mini MBA. Therefore, we can proudly claim that Aros Mini MBA meet the professional standards worthy of the MBA title.

You can acquire an exam from the Diploma Program in Management!

You have the opportunity to buy in an exam from the Diploma Program in Management, which grants you 5 ECTS credits. This means that you will receive a certificate from the module “Strategic Management” from the Diploma Program in Management. In addition to this, you will get a certificate from the Aros Mini MBA. This acquisition costs 6,000 DKK VAT excluded, and it makes you eligible to apply for a supplement from you Kompetencefond (“Qualifications Fund”. Consider asking your employer or HR department which fund you are using). If you choose this option, it replaces the ordinary exam on the Aros Mini MBA. Call us on +45 70 278 279 for further information.

Lectures, exercises, study groups, syllabus and exam – this is how the Aros Mini MBA is structured!

The Aros Mini MBA consists of 6 modules distributed across 6 full days of courses in 6 months (this means one module and one course day a month in 6 months). Prior to every course day you are required to read approximately 200-300 pages. And after each course day, you receive some individual exercises for your study group meeting (both exercises and study groups are optional). When you have completed all the courses, we wrap it up with a small exam. Read more about this on the bottom of this page (after the module descriptions).

You become a member of the select Aros Management Club

As a participant on the Aros Mini MBA, you earn an exclusive membership of the Aros Management Club. Here, we update you on the newest relevant topics even after your courses have ended. As a member of the Aros Management Club you get free access to lectures and masterclasses with leading top executives and experts. You will be invited to exclusive management events with peers, and you will have the opportunity to network with the other members of the Aros Management Club.

Download Course Material

Click here to download a PDF with extended course information

Meet your instructors (English version in course material)
Anders Madsen Pedersen Se profil
Anders Madsen Pedersen er ekspert i strategi og ledelse. Han er ansat som kommerciel direktør hos Dahl Advokatfirma og har en baggrund som senior advisor hos Hildebrandt og Brandi, hvor han rådgav ledere i større og mellemstore virksomheder.

Anders har undervist på MBA-uddannelser på Aarhus Universitet, hvor han selv har taget sin uddannelse, nemlig cand.merc. i organisation, strategi og ledelse.
Claus Fadum Nissen Se profil
Siden 1995 har Claus Fadum Nissen arbejdet med at gøre virksomheder i Europa og Nordamerika bedre til at møde kundernes behov og til at tjene penge. Det har han gjort fra to sider af bordet.
I den første halvdel af karrieren har han har arbejdet i som leder i førende danske virksomheder som f.eks. FLSmidth og LEGO og som bestyrelsesmedlem i hhv. Unicon Beton og Nyborg Plast.
I den anden halvdel har Claus – siden 2005 - arbejdet som management konsulent hos PA Consulting, KPMG og Cognizant i hhv. København og New York med fokus på design og transformation af processer, organisationer og forretningsmodeller i en række forskellige brancher som f.eks. offentlig sektor, transport, energi, advokatbranchen og medicinalvirksomheder.
Henning Bröchner Se profil
Henning har 25 års CFO erfaring fra selskaber som TOP-TOY, Løgismose Meyers, KOMPAN og IC Group. Henning har været koncern-CFO i internationalt arbejdende virksomheder med selskaber i alle dele af verden. Henning har også erfaring fra flere ejerformer; familieeje, kapitalfondseje og børsnoteret samt skifter mellem de forskellige ejerformer. Henning har været med til at gennemføre børsnoteringer, afnoteringer og flere opkøb og fusioner. I dag arbejder han som professionelt bestyrelsesmedlem og investor.

Hennings baggrund er meget alsidig og forretningsorienteret, og du får adgang til hans mange erfaringer, når han giver dig indblik i resultatorienteret ledelse og kobling mellem strategi og økonomi.
Joachim Steenstrup Se profil
Joachim Steenstrup is Head of Communicaions at European Energy and former manager within the banking and energy businesses. He has extensive experience in the field of change management and corporate change communication. Throughout his career he has worked with change management in international and complex organizations.

Joachim Steenstrup holds an Executive Master in Corporate Communication and has completed additional leadership training with INSEAD. He also holds a degree in journalism.
Mie Krog Se profil
Mie Krog er i dag bestyrelsesprofessionel som både formand og medlem i flere virksomheder herunder Nykredit, Norlys, Plantorama, Imerco, Sinful, Aarhus Letbane, Kenatur, Y-Connection m.fl

Hun har tidligere været leder og medlem af direktionen i virksomheder som KiM's, LEGO, JYSK, Bilka og ILVA indenfor den kommercielle og brandrelaterede del af værdikæden. Hun bringer hendes erfaringer og massive og brede viden om ledelse i spil i undervisningen og er en mester i at gøre det levende, nærværende og relevant for deltagerne.
Professor Steen Hildebrandt Se profil
Steen Hildebrandt er professor emeritus ved Aarhus Universitet, adjungeret professor i ledelse ved Copenhagen Business School og adjungeret professor i ledelse ved Aalborg Universitet.
Steen Hildebrandt er forfatter til mere en 20 anmelderroste bøger om ledelse og betragtes af mange som Danmarks største ekspert inden for ledelse.
Han er desuden medstifter og partner i den private rådgivningsvirksomhed Hildebrandt og Brandi. Virksomheden tæller 35 konsulenter, der rådgiver Danmarks topledere.
Subject areas

Mini MBA – Subject Area 1:

Strategic Management. Visions and Strategic Processes in a Turbulent and Changeable World. Learning, Management, and Sustainability in the Modern Organization


– Instructor: Anders Madsen Pedersen


Strategy, change, and learning, is i.e. about being forward-looking. Management is about connecting the present with the future. It is about understanding both the mission and the vision of the corporation, and developing strategies and plans to help bring the corporation into the future. It takes learning, change-insight and change management.


The strategic management is decisive for the future prospects of any corporation, and during this subject area, we focus on concepts and models key to this correlation.


In general, this module centers on the different complications regarding strategy and change in the scope of both national and global powers and relations. Corporations exist in very turbulent surroundings linked to the strategic situation and the management defining the given organization. What is the strategic situation of the corporation and agenda, how are strategic analyses carried out, and how is strategic decisions and initiatives implemented in the organization? The identity and mission of the corporation are key to this important work.


The themes discussed on the course day (and in the assigned readings):
Mission, Vision, and Strategy

  • Strategic Planning and Strategic Management
  • Strategic Competence Development
  • Strategy and Organizational Structure
  • Surroundings and Stakeholders
  • Organizational Complexity
  • Strategic Marketing
  • Strategy and Business Development
  • The Learning Organization and Change
  • Implementation of Strategies


Mini MBA – Subject Area 2:

Business and Management Understanding from a Global Perspective


– Instructors: Claus Fadum Nissen


Both private and public organizations are like living creatures. They develop, need management, they are designed and redesigned. Management is the key to a better future for corporations and society. Management is performed by people conscious of their own role, their responsibilities, and their opportunities. Creating results is one of the key elements of management and leadership.


Subject Area 1 focusses on both the traditional theories on organizations and management, as well as the latest and more nuanced concepts in the field. What is an organization? What is management? First of all, management is about understanding the reality in which the corporation is placed right now, and then connecting the present with the future on the basis of this knowledge. How has the organization developed up until now, and how must it be designed and structured to meet the future in a learning and creative way, so that the potentials of the organization are realized? You will be presented for the necessary concepts, models, and points of reference, discussed and related to your own experiences.


The themes discussed on the course day (and in the assigned readings):

  • The Concept of HRM
  • Motivation and Theories of Motivation
  • Learning and Competence
  • Physical and Psychological Working Environment
  • Conflicts in Organizations
  • Diversity Management
  • Mentorship and Coaching
  • The Management of Human Relations
  • The Management of Merging
  • Disruption
  • Digitalization in the Modern Organization
  • Efficiency in Exponential Organizations
  • Intercultural Leadership.


Mini MBA – Subject Area 3:

Personnel Management. The Human in the Modern Private and Public Organization. Organization Development, Team Management, Self-Management, Coaching


– Instructor: Mie Krog


Personnel Management and Human Resource Management focus on the management of people and the development of organizations. People are the center of any organization. People, competences, and culture along with technology, infrastructure, and so on, are the roots of all the different results the modern organizationcreates.


People are at the center of any organization. Naturally, many problems and models of solutions are designed to deal with people, whether as individuals, groups or the entire organization. MRM, leadership, followership, co-operation, and dialogue are all important factors of managing the people of the organization. The individual and the relations between people take center stage. This subject area deals with HRM as a concept and the aspects of measuring its practical execution entails.


The philosophies of man, organization and society are important themes. Group processes, conflicts, relations, etc. are the factors that characterizes the everyday of any organization. How do you manage the development of people and groups of people? How do you work with meetings, negotiations, conflicts, dialogues, managerial development, etc.?


The themes discussed on the course day (and in the assigned readings):

  • To manage others
  • Types of management
  • Management in different types of organizations
  • Management for better or worse
  • Value-based management
  • Performance-based management
  • Diversity management
  • Employee development
  • Selfmanagement


Mini MBA – Subject Area 4:

Changes. Management of Changes and Calculated Management of Resilience


– Instructor: Joachim Steenstrup


Change are a basic condition of the modern corporation. A few years back, the conversation was only on the desired changes of the given organization. Today, it is necessary to consider the changes appearing from outside the company – often as surprises. During this module, we focus on all kinds of changes, and we emphasize the understanding of people’s reactions to and engagement with changes.


Strategy and change are two sides of the same coin. Change is more a condition than the exception. Any organization (and its leaders) must be able to understand and deal with changes, when coming both from external and internal sources. Therefore, this subject area teaches you the actual concept of change – the physical, systemic, intellectual, and emotional aspects of change and disruption. How can we understand the interconnectedness of these different facets of change?


Risk management and technological management are also subjects we touch upon here. In closing, we will briefly discuss the concept of resilience in corporations and individuals.


The themes discussed on the course day (and in the assigned readings):

  • Innovation and Innovation Management
  • Change and Change Management
  • Organizational Relationships
  • Resilience and Management of Resilience
  • A Sense of Urgency (The Burning Platform)
  • Partnerships
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Technological Changes
  • Risk Management.


Mini MBA – Subject Area 5:

Productivity. Economy. Measuring Results. Business Development


– Instructor: Henning Bröchner


Management and Organizing is about creating results. Productivity means resource deployment and the creation of results in the organization. Economy, measurements, and understanding financial statements are important themes. What does the concept of the bottom line entail for the modern corporation?


Often, the term “business” is used to describe a corporation. But which business model and what kind of business thinking characterizes your organization? Sometimes, financial circumstances and management are viewed as two sides of the same coin, and in these circumstances financial statements, performance reviews, and the understanding of growth take center stage. By now, multiple other statements and reviews support the exclusively financial statement.


In this context, measuring is important: What should your company measure and how? And how do you communicate your results? Productivity, efficiency, and quality are three coherent and important concepts. How well does the organization utilize the necessary resources in order to create quality and satisfaction for clients, buyers, and users?


The themes discussed on the course day (and in the assigned readings):

  • Financial Statements and Bottom Lines
  • Environmental Statements and Intellectual Capital Statement
  • Measuring, Management, and Control
  • Managerial Reporting
  • Structure, Strategy and Measuring
  • Performance Management
  • Dimensions of Growth
  • Lean Management
  • Big Data
  • Contracts and Contract Management


Mini MBA – Subject Area 6:

The Manager as a Person and Communicator. Personal leadership, Development and Communication. Presence, Empathy, and Relations


– Instructor: Kresten Schultz Jørgensen


Management and leadership. This subject area focusses on the personal leadership. The leader’s person and communication, your personal development, roles, and authenticity take center stage.


People perform management and leadership. Executive recruiting, managerial development, and evaluation of superiors are central themes. Relations to people, organizations, and stakeholders are important aspects. An organization consists of relations between people and departments, and the organization in and of itself exists in complex networks. The personal, as well as the relational, is the center of this module, where we focus on the manager as a person and communicator.


Key terms are roles, personality types, communication and dialogue, knowledge sharing, and co-operation are key terms, along with the aspect of relations. We will discuss these concepts critically and from different perspectives during this module. We will conclude this subject area by looking back on some of the concepts and models that we have been working with. Together we pose these questions: Where do the important changes take place? What tendencies of change and development exist in the field of modern organization and management, and how will some of these consequences on the practicalities of management influence you?


The themes discussed on the course day (and in the assigned readings):

  • Theories on People and Organizations
  • The Manager as a Person
  • Leadership Roles and Personality Types
  • Personal Development
  • The Communication Processes of the Organization
  • Personal Communication: Knowledge, Body, Language, and Presence
  • Stress in the Organization – Crises and Change Management
The Exam (recap and personal development)

The Exam on the Aros Mini MBA is twofold:

  • Case assignment of 6 pages (which you write at home and hand it in 3 weeks after the last module)
  • Multiple choice test of your knowledge and on the different tools you have been taught (this test you also do at home)

Get the full overview of the Aros Mini MBA exam.

Your examiner will be one of the Mini MBA instructors.

You can choose to decline the exam and receive a diploma for participation on the Aros Mini MBA, should you wish to do so. If you take the exam and pass, you will receive an examination certificate for the Aros Mini MBA.

You can also replace the Mini MBA exam with an exam from the Diploma Program in Management (buy in). Read more above.


Before each of the Mini MBA’s six course days you will be assigned approximately 300 pages that you can read whenever you have the time during the month between each lecture. It might sound like a lot, but it is feasible, even if you are not used to reading a lot and are busy.

The syllabus consists solely of books, articles and excerpts written by renowned authors. Syllabus and materials are included in the course fee and will be delivered to you before the first course day with time for you to read it before you start. If you register for the MBA close to the first day and are worried that you might not receive it in time, please contact us via chat or email, and we will find a suitable solution for you.


Exercises Based on You!

To us, the Aros Mini MBA is about giving you a profound upgrade of your professional skills. A key element for you to receive this is actual concrete training. Therefore, we have planned different exercises between each course day. The exercises focus on relating the theories and the new tools to you as a manager (or manager-to-be) and to your workplace. In this way, both you and your employer benefit from your Aros Mini MBA. The exercises are not mandatory and it’s up to you how much work you put into them. The exercises lay the foundation for the meeting with your study group (also optional).

Get Plenty of Feedback in Your Study Groups

We divide the students into study groups that meet 5-6 times during the education. The study groups give you the possibility to discuss the syllabus and the exercises – and to receive lots of feedback regarding your own situation and role as a leader. Your participation in the study group is voluntary and not mandatory for your education. But we recommend it, as the rewards will enhance the outcome of your learning.

”The action of study groups is really good. And the meetings with the study group may have doubled the outcome of my education” – Jacob Christiansen, Orkla Foods Danmark.

Who should participate on the AROS Mini MBA?

Aros Mini MBA is for you who dare to reach the next level in your carrier. You are the type of person who always looks ahead, who thinks proactively. You have a drive; you have ambitions – both for you, your workplace and your colleagues

Aros Mini MBA is 100 % designed for you who want to become a better leader and manager – now or in the future. It is for you who yearn to become smarter; and for you who want your skills and competencies certified.

We know for a fact that you gain a lot of value by using leaders from different branches and management steps as your sparring partners. It is counterproductive for an education as this one to exclude participants based on age, experience, managerial level, or branch. Therefore, there is no official admission requirements for the Aros Mini MBA.

Potential option for payment via Gross Salary Agreement

If you have to pay for the Aros Mini MBA out of your own pocket while still being employed at a workplace, you might be eligible for the Gross Salary Agreement. It reduces your total costs (and is free for your employer as well). Call us at +45 70 278 279 or write us at to learn more about the agreement.

Kursus/Uddannelse AROS Mini MBA (in English)