Aros Project Management Programme

Join this Project Management Programme and become a professional project manager. You will learn to plan, control, execute, and close projects with success.



The best reasons for choosing the Aros Project Management Programme

  • You learn to build successful teams and delegate responsibility in the most optimal way
  • You become a better decision-maker and more accurate in leading projects
  • You get a DiSC personality test that helps you understand your strengths and weaknesses
  • You gain a solid understanding of some of the best and most effective project managing tools and methods
  • You develop your role as a project manager in a positive direction and learn to communicate effectively
  • You become able to handle uncertainties through methods on how to predict and manage risks
  • You gain an understanding of how to identify stakeholder and their importance
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Manage a Complex Work Life

The role as a project manager is complex. You need to handle a variety of different roles and juggle multiple tasks at the same time. You are expected to build the right teams, plan the project, analyse stakeholders and possible risks, make budgets, and close and evaluate project. During the course, we will focus on the many facets of the role as a project manager. You will gain a solid practical and theoretical foundation for facilitating projects, which will make you a competent and successful project manager.

Streamline Your Work Processes

The price of poor leadership is high. During the programme, you learn to make the right decisions and lead your projects in the right direction, which will save your from making costly mistakes. You also get an insight into some of the best project managing tools and methods, which will make your processes more effecient and help you organize your teams better. When you learn to streamline the work processes and optimize the efficiency, the company’s finansiel position will be significantly improved.

The Role as a Project Manager

Before attending the course, you need to take a DiSC test, which is included in the price of the course. Through the test, you will gain insight into your own strengths and weaknesses. You will also learn to adapt your own communication and behaviour depending on your audience. Furthermore you will become able to build the right teams based the team-members’ personality type.

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Module 1+2

  • Defining the project and models for project management
  • Organizing and planning the project
  • We will dive in to the subject of team development and review your DiSC-analyses
  • Defining and understanding your target group
  • How to undertake a stakeholder analysis
  • Learn to analyse project risks

Module 3+4

  • We will work with several Mini Workshops on different topics, which give you a practical understanding of the different tasks of project management:
    • Goals
    • Stakeholders
    • Risk management
    • Milestones
    • Budgets
  • You will lean to deal with conflicts and resistance from others

Module 5+6

  • You will gain knowledge on how to take over a project
  • Become a better negotiator: Learn the best tips and tricks for negotiation
  • Session 1: How to take over a project
  • We will go into depth with managing project
  • Session 2: Status and control
Who should attend?

The Aros Project Management Programme is for you who wishes to gain a better understanding of the role as a project manager and who wants to facilitate project more professionally.


You may have participated in the Foundations of Project Management course or gained a fundamental base of knowledge from practical experience.

The exam

The exam on the Project Management Programme is written. The assignment is max 6 pages and is about your own projects and your own role as a project manager. If you wish, you can opt out of the exam and receive a diploma that you have participated in the advanced course in Project Management. If you take the exam and pass, you will instead receive a signed diploma.


When you participate in the project manager course, you must read some syllabus prior to each training day. You are handed the book “Power in projects, programs and portfolios” and a selection of articles written by well-respected authors, which is included in the price of the course.


Power in Projects, Programs, and Portofolios

The book: Power in projects, programs and portfolios
by John Ryding Olsson, Niels Ahrengot, Mette Lindegaard Attrup


The goal of the course is to boost your skills as a project manager. A key element in this is to offer practical training and experience. We have therefore included exercises between the course days. The exercises are about relating the theory and the new tools to your role as a project manager and to your workplace, so you and your employer get the full benefit of your project manager training.

Meet your instructor
Kursus/Uddannelse Aros Project Management Programme

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Kursus/Uddannelse Aros Project Management Programme
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