Improve your presentation skills

This course will prepare you for oral presentations at work, conferences, small or large meetings etc, giving you the tools to be well received by your audience. There is a maximum of 8 participants on each course.



This course gives you the skills to:

  • Maintain the attention of the audience
  • Optimize the chances of the audience remembering what you said
  • Speak in a way that demonstrates your intentions
  • Express personal traits such as empathy, authority, openness towards negotiation etc.
  • Be confident when communicating
  • Speak as a charismatic and energetic person
  • Speak with a voice that projects personal surplus
  • “Serve your knowledge on a silver platter”!


Næste kursusstart Se alle datoer 06. november 2024, Aarhus 12. november 2024, København
Varighed 2 days
Pris 9.400 kr. ekskl. moms.
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Become a great presenter!

A great presenter has the ability to maintain the attention of his/her audience. Very often the case is that our minds start to wander off during a presentation. We can only keep the mind focused when we “feed” our brain with interesting and varied information in a well balanced way. A presenter must strive to find this balance and speak with variation, clear diction, a healthy sounding voice and make use of an appealing body language, appropriate to the given circumstances.

Controlling presentation techniques will boost your confidence 

When we get nervous we tend to speak too fast and rigid and as a consequence thereof, our audience will start thinking of the reason why you seem nervous. Is it due to low self-esteem? Lack of preparation? A bad morning? This moves the focus of attention away from the contents of your presentation. Knowing exactly what to do, technically, will help a presenter project a positive authority and will turn a, perhaps, feared presentation into a positive experience.

It’s not only about the words we are saying

The way we are being perceived as presenters relies not only on the actual words we are saying. Nonverbal expressions play a great part in the overall impression of how we are, as persons. In fact, the way we make use of tonal expressions can tell a lot about who we are and how we function as such, as a “window” to our minds.

Read more about the program


  • Create an overall view of your presentation. You need structure to make your presentation effective and recipient friendly.
  • We will focus on structure and preparation using classical elements including a disposition.
  • Use the language the right way. You will learn how to use as few words as possible and take the message to heart.
  • Using this imagery in writing helps the reader put him or herself in your shoes. We will work on how to make contact with the audience based on the three rhetorical appeals.
  • Make greater impact though your body language. We will practise the nonverbal aspect of communication through exercises.
  • How to strengthen your voice? We will go into depth with breathing, fullness, pauses, pace and articulation.
The instructor
Dya Se profil
Dya er en erfaren underviser, som i flere år har undervist medarbejdere og ledere i bl.a. kommunikation, kundeservice, præsentationsteknik og personlig gennemslagskraft. Hun er uddannet skuespiller fra Århus Teater og har en master i drama- og teaterpædagogik. Dya er en inspirerende underviser med en bred faglig profil, der gør hende yderst kompetent og nuanceret i sin undervisning. Som skuespiller er Dya Bodilnomineret for sin medvirken i spillefilmen ’Lang historie kort’. Og mange kender hende nok også fra hendes rolle i ’Klovn’.
Who should participate?

The target audience for this course in presentation techniques is very wide, as anyone who wants to improve their presentation skills and oral communication capabilities can use the tools. There is a maximum of 8 participants on the course, so there is plenty of time and space for each participant.


Sign up and receive a free mini guide! 

When you sign up for this course on how to improve your presentation skills, we send you our little mini guide: “Get maximum value out of your courses”. With this guide you get some simple advice on how to get maximum value out of this course – and all your future courses.

Order an internal course!

You can order an internal course in presentation techniques. For further information, click here

Medarbejderens udbytte

This course will make you look forward to making presentations in the future. You will achieve full control of your voicing and body language, and get rid of the anxiety of making a bad impression in the process.


Knowledge of the central rhetorical principles will help you structure your presentations, making they come off as well considered and intriguing. When you are aware of how you are speaking, you can make people interested in what you are speaking about.


With your new techniques you can design your presentations to fit specific audiences. When you tailor each presentation with the individual audience in mind you can be sure of making a good impression which is an essential starting point for your argumentation.

Arbejdsgiverens udbytte

You will come off as a brighter and more engaged co-worker when you formulate your points in a sharp and understandable way.


Your presentations and work effort will improve and so your co-workers'. They will be inspired by your energized presentations and want to act out similar presentations.


When you return from the course and introduce a new, enthusiastic way of making presentations boring meeting will be a thing of the past.

Næste kursusstart

Vælg den dato & by der passer dig bedst
Aarhus 06. november 2024 - 07. november 2024
Radisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel, Aarhus
9.400 ekskl. moms. Tilmeld dig
København 12. november 2024 - 13. november 2024
Aros Konference, København
9.400 ekskl. moms. Tilmeld dig
Aarhus 18. marts 2025 - 19. marts 2025
Radisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel, Aarhus
9.400 ekskl. moms. Tilmeld dig
København 25. marts 2025 - 26. marts 2025
Aros Konference, København
9.400 ekskl. moms. Tilmeld dig
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Kursus/Uddannelse Improve your presentation skills
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    Kursus/Uddannelse Improve your presentation skills
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    Amazing course. It was well-structured and interesting. The instructor was very competent, dedicated and brilliant at constructive and specific feedback. The course will have a great influence at my daily work.

    Trine Stein

    It was a great course, and it was facilitated in a good and very different way from the usual ones. I have gained the tools to become stronger, more secure, and credible when I present at business meetings.

    Mette M Fischer

    The course was very good. I have learned a lot about myself. It was nice to be recorded and then get the opportunity to work on the presentation afterwards.

    Kathrina Annakarin Kock Christensen

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